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2017 | 14 | 141-155

Article title

Godność jako logos życia


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The text concerns the issue of dignity, which is the source of human rights as well as the particular freedoms: freedom of religion, conscience and thought. Because dignity is “absolute inner value” (I. Kant), it can be considered as the logos of human life – the immanent principle of his moral attitudes, duties, faith and the development of interpersonal relationships. For these reasons, we analyze the philosophical and theological contexts of dignity, in order to indicate also its transcendent foundations and determinants.
The text concerns the issue of dignity, which is the source of human rights as well as the particular freedoms: freedom of religion, conscience and thought. Because dignity is “absolute inner value” (I. Kant), it can be considered as the logos of human life – the immanent principle of his moral attitudes, duties, faith and the development of interpersonal relationships. For these reasons, we analyze the philosophical and theological contexts of dignity, in order to indicate also its transcendent foundations and determinants.






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  • Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku, Wydział Nauk Społecznych


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