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2015 | 11 | 55-73

Article title

Satysfakcja z kontaktów rówieśniczych a pozycja socjometryczna uczniów z niepełnosprawnością wzroku w klasach ogólnodostępnych i integracyjnych


Title variants

Satisfaction with peer contacts and sociometric status of students with visual impairment in mainstream and integrated school classes

Languages of publication



The social situation of students with disabilities, due to existing stereotypes, social distance, not coping with the diversity and many other factors will be complex. The purpose of this article was to analyze the situation of pupils with sight disabilities in non-segregated forms of education: mainstream and integrated schools. Participation in social relations of blind and visually impaired students is described from two perspectives: the objective expressed in the sociometric position in the classroom as well as subjective measured by social integration – satisfaction with peer contacts. Existing relationships between these two variables and factors moderating it became the basis for interpreting the results of research conducted on a group of 60 students with visual impairment. A significant correlation between positive sociometric status and social integration, while generally neutral sociometric positions and relatively high satisfaction with peer contacts might suggest, that students with visual impairment in nonsegregated education forms are tolerated and subjectively do not feel the negative attitudes of their peers. Unfortunately, rarely they belong to the category of accepted students.
The social situation of students with disabilities, due to existing stereotypes, social distance, not coping with the diversity and many other factors will be complex. The purpose of this article was to analyze the situation of pupils with sight disabilities in non-segregated forms of education: mainstream and integrated schools. Participation in social relations of blind and visually impaired students is described from two perspectives: the objective expressed in the sociometric position in the classroom as well as subjective measured by social integration – satisfaction with peer contacts. Existing relationships between these two variables and factors moderating it became the basis for interpreting the results of research conducted on a group of 60 students with visual impairment. A significant correlation between positive sociometric status and social integration, while generally neutral sociometric positions and relatively high satisfaction with peer contacts might suggest, that students with visual impairment in nonsegregated education forms are tolerated and subjectively do not feel the negative attitudes of their peers. Unfortunately, rarely they belong to the category of accepted students.






Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie


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