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2017 | 8 | 1 | 447-458

Article title

Marian Wesoły’s Greek Philosophy in Byzantium


Title variants

Marian Wesoły’s Greek Philosophy in Byzantium

Languages of publication



Marian Wesoły devoted a considerable part of his life and research to studying the philosophical thought of antiquity. He is, therefore, widely known to scientific community as an admirer of Hellas, outstanding scholar and expert on ancient philosophy, which is reflected in his many publications in the field. Importantly, however, Marian Wesoły, has also been a pioneer of research into a much lesser known field of research, namely Greek philosophy in Byzantium. While this neglected and often disdained area of research has been the subject of Marian Wesoły’s numerous publications, this article presents an over view of his most important findings.
Marian Wesoły devoted a considerable part of his life and research to studying the philosophical thought of antiquity. He is, therefore, widely known to scientific community as an admirer of Hellas, outstanding scholar and expert on ancient philosophy, which is reflected in his many publications in the field. Importantly, however, Marian Wesoły, has also been a pioneer of research into a much lesser known field of research, namely Greek philosophy in Byzantium. While this neglected and often disdained area of research has been the subject of Marian Wesoły’s numerous publications, this article presents an over view of his most important findings. 








Physical description




  • The Jacob of Paradies University


  • Dąbrowska, M., 2015, Drugie oko Europy. Bizancjum w średniowieczu, Wrocław.
  • Ierodiakonou, K., 2002, Byzantine philosophy and its Ancient Sources, Oxford.
  • Лурье, В. М., 2006, История Византийской философии. Формативный период, Petersburg.
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  • Tatakis, B., 2012, Filozofia bizantyjska, przeł. S. Tokariew, Kraków.
  • Wesoły, M., 1998, „Z Konstantynopola do Florencji, czyli odzyskiwanie greki na Zachodzie”, Eos 75, s. 285–303.
  • Wesoły, M., 2005, s.v. „Leontios z Bizancjum”, w: Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii, t. 6, Lublin, s. 324–325.
  • Wesoły, M., 2006, s.v. „Metochites Teodor”, w: Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii, t. 7, Lublin, s. 126–127.
  • Wesoły, M., 2006, s.v. „Michał z Efezu”, w: Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii, t. 7, Lublin, s. 152–153.
  • Wesoły, M., 2006, s.v. „Musuros Markos”, w: Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii, t. 7, Lublin, s. 446–447.
  • Wesoły, M., 2006, s.v. „Pachymeres Georgios”, w: Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii, t. 7, Lublin, s. 938–939.
  • Wesoły, M., 2007, s.v. „Planudes Maksimos”, w: Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii, t. 8, Lublin, s. 264–265.
  • Wesoły, M., 2007, s.v. „Scholarios Georgios”, w: Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii, t. 8, Lublin, s. 964–966.
  • Wesoły, M., 2008, „Filozofia w Cesarstwie Wschodniorzymskim – przegląd ważniejszej historiografii”, w: A. Marchewka (red.), „Rem acu tangere” Studia Interdisciplinaria ad Linguam et Litteras Graecorum Antiquorum Pertinentia, Gdańsk, s. 203–210.
  • Wesoły, M., 2008, s.v. „Teodor Gazes”, w: Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii, t. 9, Lublin, s. 399–400.
  • Wesoły, M., 2008, s.v. „Thomaeus Leonicus”, w: Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii, t. 9, Lublin, s. 459–460.
  • Wesoły, M., 2009, s.v. „Arethas”, w: Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii, t. 10, Lublin, s. 35–36.
  • Wesoły, M., 2009, s.v. „Focjusz”, w: Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii, t. 10, Lublin, s. 166–168.
  • Wesoły, M., 2009, s.v. „Manuel Chrysoloras”, w: Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii, t. 10, Lublin, s. 292–293.
  • Wesoły, M., 2012, „Posłowie”, w: B. Tatakis, Filozofia bizantyjska, przeł. S. Tokariew, Kraków, s. 255–301.
  • Wesoły, M., Jaworska-Wołoszyn, M., 2014, „Plethona Zapis praw”, w: Peitho. Examina Antiqua 1(5), s. 301–319.

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