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2013 | 1 | 159-170

Article title

Prasa lokalna w leszczyńskim regionie wydawniczym. Przyczynek do badań nad zawartością treści w kontekście sportowych wydarzeń medialnych, ze szczególnym udziałem kobiet



Title variants

Local press in the Leszno region. A contribution to studies on content in the context of media sports events, particularly those involving women

Languages of publication



The analysis of the content of Wielkopolska periodicals in the period from 1989 to 2011 indicates that female issues comprised two currents. One presented the historical and modern image of women, while the other discussed female issues in the context of political, economic and social events. In the first decade following the transformation the regional and local press confirmed the presence of the stereotype of female roles, but studies carried out in 2011 indicated that male and female roles were unified in numerous aspects of everyday life. This paper aims to deepen the issue previously discussed by the author, but only in the context of the qualitative changes that have occurred in the presentation of sports releases, focusing on sports events involving women in particular. To this end Wielkopolska local and regional newspapers, and local newspapers from the Leszno region (south-western part of Wielkopolska, the northern part of Lower Silesia and the south-eastern part of Lubuskie) in 1989–2012 were analyzed.
The analysis of the content of Wielkopolska periodicals in the period from 1989 to 2011 indicates that female issues comprised two currents. One presented the historical and modern image of women, while the other discussed female issues in the context of political, economic and social events. In the first decade following the transformation the regional and local press confirmed the presence of the stereotype of female roles, but studies carried out in 2011 indicated that male and female roles were unified in numerous aspects of everyday life. This paper aims to deepen the issue previously discussed by the author, but only in the context of the qualitative changes that have occurred in the presentation of sports releases, focusing on sports events involving women in particular. To this end Wielkopolska local and regional newspapers, and local newspapers from the Leszno region (south-western part of Wielkopolska, the northern part of Lower Silesia and the south-eastern part of Lubuskie) in 1989–2012 were analyzed.







Physical description




  • Poznań


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  • Prasa regionalna i lokalna Wielkopolski oraz leszczyńskiego regionu wydawniczego w latach 1989–2012.

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Publication order reference


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