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2022 | 29 | 2 | 213-229

Article title

Usprawnianie komunikacji słownej w wybranych wariantach choroby Alzheimera: typowym i językowym


Title variants

Verbal Communication Management in Selected Variants of Alzheimer’s Disease: Typical Variant and Language Variant

Languages of publication


The paper reviews the methods for improving verbal communication in selected variants of Alzheimer’s disease, both in the typical and language variant. It emphasises the need to optimise the management within the framework of patientcentred care, allowing to address individual needs. As far as indirect interventions are concerned, the article presents techniques aimed at improving communication with the affected person, and more broadly – aimed at preserving the quality of life in the course of the illness. Among direct interventions, those aimed at selected system abilities and supporting language function in the context of cognitive and social function are presented. It is shown how speech and language therapy can integrate other therapeutic paradigms, developed in psychology, such as patientcentred therapy and cognitive neuropsychological rehabilitation.








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  • Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
  • Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny


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