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2019 | 35 | 169-189

Article title

Środki katechizacji w ujęciu prawa kanonicznego



Title variants

Aids of catechetical activity in terms of the canonic law

Languages of publication



This arcticle refers to the issue of means of catechesis in the canonical aspect. Firstly, there have been shown the rules which relate to necessity of using aids of catechetical activity. Then, it has been concentrated about issues of instruments dedicated to the orientation and general planning of catechetical activity in particular Church. Next it has been explained matter of catechisms and other writings pertaining to catechetical instruction. Finally, it has been focused on adio-visual aids and instruments of social communication in catechetical formation.
This arcticle refers to the issue of means of catechesis in the canonical aspect. Firstly, there have been shown the rules which relate to necessity of using aids of catechetical activity. Then, it has been concentrated about issues of instruments dedicated to the orientation and general planning of catechetical activity in particular Church. Next it has been explained matter of catechisms and other writings pertaining to catechetical instruction. Finally, it has been focused on adio-visual aids and instruments of social communication in catechetical formation.






Physical description




  • Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Radomiu, Polska


  • Źródła
  • Codex Iuris Canonici. Schema novissimum iuxta placita Patrum Commissionis emendatum atque Summo Pontifici praesentatum, Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1982.
  • Ioannes Paulus P.P. II, Adhortatio Apostolica, Catechesi tradendae (16 octobris 1979), „Acta Apostolicae Sedis” 71 (1979), 1277–1340, tekst polski: Katecheza po Soborze Watykańskim II w świetle dokumentów Kościoła, red. W. Kubik, cz. II, Warszawa 1985, s. 146–217.
  • Ioannes Paulus P.P. II, Constitutio Apostolica Pastor Bonus (28 iulii 1988), „Acta Apostolicae Sedis” 80 (1988), s. 841–912.
  • Katechizm Kościoła Katolickiego, Poznań 1994.
  • Kongregacja ds. Biskupów, Dyrektorium o pasterskiej posłudze biskupów „Apostolorum Successores”, Kielce 2005.
  • Kongregacja ds. Duchowieństwa, Dyrektorium Ogólne o Katechizacji (15 sierpnia 1997), Poznań 1998.
  • Kongregacja ds. Duchowieństwa, Dyrektorium o posłudze i życiu kapłanów, Città del Vaticano 1994.
  • Kongregacja ds. Duchowieństwa, Ogólna Instrukcja Katechetyczna (11 kwietnia 1971), „Wiadomości Archidiecezjalne Warszawskie” 63 (1973), nr 2, s. 37–112.
  • Pontificia Commissio Codici Iuris Canonici Recognoscendo, Schema canonum libri III De ecclesiae munere docendi, Città del Vaticano 1977, tekst polski: „Posoborowe Prawodawstwo Kościelne”, t. 11, z. 1, nr. 21077–21259, s. 286–328.
  • Sacra Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei, Responsum ad propositum dubium (7 iulii 1984), „Acta Apostolicae Sedis” 75 (1984), s. 45–52.
  • Sacra Congregatio pro Episcopis, Directorium Ecclesiae imago de pastorali ministerio Episcoporum (22 februarii 1973), w: Enchiridion Vaticanum, v. 4, Bologna 1997, nr. 1945–2328, tekst polski: E. Sztafrowski, „Posoborowe Prawodawstwo Kościelne”, t. 6, z. 1, nr. 10370–11035.
  • Schema Codicis Iuris Canonici, Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1980.
  • Literatura
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  • Fuentes J., Comentario al can. 779, w: Comentario exegético al Código de Derecho Canónico, red. A. Marzoa, J. Miras, R. Rodríguez-Ocaña, v. 3, p. I, Pamplona 2002, s. 155–156.
  • Kommentar zum Codex Iuris Canonici, Bd. 3, hrsg. v. K. Lüdicke, Essen 1988–2001.
  • La funzione di insegnare della Chiesa, a cura di Gruppo Italiano Docenti di Diritto Canonico, Milano 1994.
  • Mussinghoff H., Kahler H., Verkündigungsamt: Dienst am Wort Gottes, w: Kommentar zum Codex Iuris Canonici, Bd. 3, hrsg. v. K. Lüdicke, Essen 1988–2001, kan 779. Passicos J., Le statut des instruments de cathéchèse dans le Code, „L’Année canonique” 31 (1988), s. 147–156.
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  • Urru A., La funzione di insegnare della Chiesa, Roma 1988.
  • Urso P., Il ministero della parola divina: predicazione e catechesi (cann. 756–780), w: La funzione di insegnare della Chiesa, a cura di Gruppo Italiano Docenti di Diritto Canonico, Milano 1994, s. 25–49.

Document Type

Publication order reference


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