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2017 | 43 | 205-221

Article title

Uczelnia XXI wieku. Sieć społeczna studentów, absolwentów i kadry naukowodydaktycznej w innowacyjnym modelu kształcenia ideAGORA



Title variants

The 21st Century University. Social Network of Students, Graduates and Academic Staff in an Innovative Model of Education ideAGORA

Languages of publication



This article presents the contemporary challenges faced by universities. It focuses on the traditional and the modern approach to the University maintaining relations with their socio-economic environment. These relationships are described in the framework of the social network theory. The second part presented an innovative model of education ideAGORA, the concept of lifelong learning based of a lasting relationship between university and graduate. The results of evaluations carried out after the stage of testing the ideAGORA model demonstrated its high efficiency: it contributes to strengthening alumni’s ties with the University, the sincerity of their motivation to study and activity as well as the interest in additional training in the case of graduates and academic staff.






Physical description




  • SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny w Warszawie


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