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2023 | 25 | 125-137

Article title

Krytyka cywilizacji naukowo-technicznej Zachodu w eko-filozofii Henryka Skolimowskiego



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Henryk Skolimowski is a relatively little-known Polish philosopher whose works delve into metaphysics, philosophy of culture, philosophy of technology and ecology. Although he was born and educated in Poland, he left the country immediately after completing higher education to pursue scientific career in the West, in Great Britain, and subsequently the United States. That is why he managed to identify issues that are still relevant today, noticing the problems that individuals and the entire society may face due to consumerism and, above all, the technological mentality geared towards financial profit. Skolimowski noted that although science and technology make life easier in some respects and offer great benefits, they ultimately harm people and the environment. Skolimowski claims that the crisis of the Western civilization, including contemporary Europe, is to a large extent a crisis of philosophical thought. Today, mechanistic notions still predominate, causing the world to be perceived as a machine. Machines can be disrespected. For this reason, Skolimowski proposes that the current mindset should be replaced with a new metaphysics, and puts forward his project, which he calls eco-cosmology. The Polish philosopher believes that nature and the entire universe should be treated as a sanctuary, with respect for everything that lives. This is a new, pro-ecological vision of the world that can save the world from the negative aftermath of technological development. Skolimowski’s philosophy draws on the style of philosophizing characteristic of the antique philosophical currents, such as Stoicism or Epicureanism. Philosophy should serve to develop the spirituality of individuals and be a tool for more profound critical thinking. Thus, Skolimowski’s philosophical thought is at the same time a return to the sources of European culture.    






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  • Pedagogical University of Kraków


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