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2016 | 43 | 1 | 63-75

Article title

La terminologie : un outil nécessaire pour le traducteur spécialisé



Title variants

Terminology: A necessary tool for the Specialized Translator

Languages of publication



Language disciplines, including Terminology and Specialized Translation, have made great strides after the second half of the twentieth century. This development, related to technological growth and international communication that occurred during this period, has resulted in a considerable increase of concepts. Thus, experts have become more and more aware of the importance of naming these new concepts. Specialized translators were among the first language professionals to recognize the need of mastering the terminology of specialized fields in order to perform their duties well (Antia et coll., 2005). In this work, we study the very close relationship between Terminology and Specialized Translation. We also study the theoretical and practical knowledge of Terminology that a specialized translator should have.








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  • University of North Georgia


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