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2018 | 45 | 2 | 121-134

Article title

“La estética de incertidumbre”: la (in)certeza de la realidad en la novela Dios puso una sonrisa sobre su rostro de Winston Morales Chavarro


Title variants

“The Esthetics of Uncertainty”: The (Un)Certainty of Reality in Winston Morales Chavarro’s novel Dios puso una sonrisa sobre su rostro

Languages of publication



The article examines Winston Morales Chavarro’s novel Dios puso una sonrisa sobre su rostro. It reflects on one of its principal themes: the limitations in the perception of reality, and attempts to determine the boundaries between the fantastic and the neofantastic elements in the novel. The purpose of the article is to show that one of the main ingredients of the novel is the neofantastic.
The article examines Winston Morales Chavarro’s novel Dios puso una sonrisa sobre su rostro. It reflects on one of its principal themes: the limitations in the perception of reality, and attempts to determine the boundaries between the fantastic and the neofantastic elements in the novel. The purpose of the article is to show that one of the main ingredients of the novel is the neofantastic.








Physical description




  • Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


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