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2022 | 12 | 2 | 177-199

Article title

Parents’ Opinion on some Myths about Parenting in the Context of their own Upbringing and Social Expectations


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The aim of this research was to investigate the opinions of parents at different stages of parenthood, about the myths of authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting in the context of their own upbringing and social expectations. Considering the influence of one’s own parents, the way of growing up and the influence of wider society and social norms, the initial assumption of the research was that the way of growing up, as a family factor and social norms, as a social factor, define parents’ opinions on myths about authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting. Twelve respondents participated in the research; a qualitative method of semi-structured interview was used. The results of the research showed that family factors,  such as the way of growing up and the parenting style, but also social factors such as the social environment and media, influence parents’ opinions of myths about authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting. Also, it was found that parents differ in their opinions on the myths about authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting, depending on the stage of parenthood they are currently in.


  • University of Zadar, Croatia
  • University of Zadar, Croatia


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