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2020 | 4(130) | 9-24

Article title

Relationship between the Finnish Education and Teachers’ Professional Development in the Perspective of Contemporary Challenges: Selected Aspects



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This article presents the relationship between the Finnish educational change in schools (the Finnish Reform Movement), selected aspects of teachers’ professional development and context of educational thinking influenced by John Dewey’s pedagogy. The successful change of schools “calls for a ‘new professionalism’ in which teachers’ work is based on research-based, outcomes-oriented, data-driven and team focused at the same time as it is globalised, localised and individualised, with lifelong professional learning the norm for the specialist in school education” (Caldwell, 2003, p. 8). In this light, the article presents an overview of in-service training of teachers, cooperative learning and teachers’ autonomy in schools in the context of teachers’ professional development.





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