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2021 | 16 | 38-49

Article title

Military medicine management and training system for medical military managers in Ukraine


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In the years since Ukraine’s independence, attention has been paid to defense capability of the country, but reforming the national defense sector has been falling behind current needs. The Ukrainian course towards the European community and NATO membership predetermines the advancement of all spheres of public life, including training of officer personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, its education and career progress. The reform of military education requires introducing new academic programs that permit training modern-type officers - military managers, who can constructively interpret theoretical materials, the experience of domestic and foreign scientists and implement them in their practical activities. Against the backdrop of the reform of military education, one of the most important tasks of higher military education involves not only training highly-qualified specialists but also the conformity of their knowledge with international standards that will allow them to be competitive both at the domestic and international labor markets and be compatible with NATO partners. The introduction of practical management experience as management methodology for the relevant system into military medicine will drive the formation of the requirements for organizing the training of specifically qualified personnel. The training of a manager and leader under the dictatorship (authoritarian) principle is passing into history; there is a need for a military manager as a prototype of an intelligent and wise leader. With the advent and expansion of such a control system as management, the following question has arisen sporadically: what is the difference between management and administration? The objective of management is to increase the profitability of business and production activities, i.e., gaining profit. The objective of administration, in particular, state or public, is to regulate social relations, which would be convenient and beneficial to the use of business and all citizens of the state in their day-to-day operations. Management objectives prescribe the features of management methodology which relies on the guiding principle: public administration adopts methodology and action procedure, which is defined by current legislation, and management adopts methodology and action procedure, which is not prohibited by law. Consequently, military administration is close to public administration in terms of the mentioned methodological principle since it is regulated by statutory acts and the system of orders allowed by the relevant laws in force. Thus, heightened attention to the enhancement of military administration is more important than using the terms “military management” and “military manager” within the system of military administration.






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  • National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine


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