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2013 | 32 | 194-203

Article title

Health Belief Model Variables as Predictors of Light, Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity Among Young Adults


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The aim of the study was to measure the association among Health Belief Model (HBM) variables and self-reported physical activity of young adults. A survey research protocol was employed. Participants were 391 university students (245 females), 19–22 years old (–x = 21.41±3.49). Analyses revealed that the strongest predictor of physical activity is self-efficacy, followed by perceived benefits and the perceived barriers. Other HBM variables, such as the perceived susceptibility or perceived severity, were not associated with physical activity. On the basis of the obtained results it may be concluded that the HBM as a model of avoiding diseases is not adequate to explain and predict physical activity of young adults.






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  • Academy of Physical Education im. J. Kukuczki
  • Academy of Physical Education im. J. Kukuczki
  • Academy of Physical Education im. J. Kukuczki


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