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2022 | 67 | 17-29

Article title

SMARTS Programme and Pupils’ Metacognitive Abilities - A Pilot Study


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The presented paper focuses on the impact of intervention with the application of the SMARTS program on students’ metacognitive abilities. The metacognitive program SMARTS, which is a product of RILD1 (Research Institute for Learning and Development, Lexington, Massachusetts, the author Lynn Meltzer), was translated, adapted, and pilot-tested in the Slovak educational context conditions. In the form of qualitative intervention case studies, the paper analyses (1) the diagnostic potential of SMARTS revealing deficits in students’ metacognitive abilities (organisationorganization and prioritisationprioritization), (2) an intervention to improve a student’s specific metacognitive ability, (3) outcome (stagnation/progress/regression) of the intervention. The results obtained by direct participatory observation applied in the intervention point to a possible positive impact of the SMARTS program on the observed metacognitive abilities of students.






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Biblioteka Nauki

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