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2023 | 71 | 35-49

Article title

The Development of Podcast Based Learning Media on Social Studies to Improve Students’ Digital Literacy


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Technological developments in the 4.0 revolution affect aspects of life, including the educational aspect. Currently, the learning components are technology-based, such as podcasts as learning media. So that it becomes an opportunity for students to understand digital literacy through podcasts as a learning media in the classroom with social studies subjects. This study aims to describe the creation of podcast-based social studies learning media model to improve students’ digital literacy. The research uses Research and Development with qualitative and quantitative approaches, data collection techniques using observation, interviews, document studies, focus group discussions, and data analysis techniques using regression correlation. The research subjects are students at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia. The results from these studies showed that using digital-based learning media, namely podcasts in social studies subjects, had a good impact and a significant effect on students’ digital literacy skills. The application of podcast-based learning media products will work well if they are supported by several funding elements, namely: 1) the involved issues are contemporary; 2) the use of the latest design; 3) in the design of materials, there is a collaboration between lecturers and students.






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  • Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia


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