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2023 | 1 | 52 | 35-48

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Digital Platforms and Data-Driven Value Creation



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Platforms, driven by digital technologies, enable companies to benefit from net-work effects and powerful ecosystems, providing economies of scale on the demand side in various industries. Platforms adopt different strategies to attract users and establish a sustainable business model, depending on the characteristics of the market in which they operate. They do not create value in themselves, it is the data that are the source of the value created, and the value itself is created at the end of the processing and their analysis. The purpose of the article is to synthesise knowledge about creating value based on data collected and used by digital platforms. To achieve the set goal, a method of analysing publications and source documents as well as sources available on websites was used. These data have value only when they are processed, analysed, and incorporated into the recommendation and prediction strategy. But they can contribute to this indirectly, facilitating access to markets and market spaces, generating revenue for members of the ecosystem, both partners and competitors and creating interconnections without which no transaction can take place. The article provides an academic viewpoint on the notion of digital platforms in the production of value, highlighting their ability to create novel insights and substantial implications for managerial strategies.








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  • University of Lodz, Faculty of Management


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