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2020 | 19 | 2 | 321-335

Article title

The activities of public organizations in overcoming the child homelessness and neglect in the Ukrainian SSR in the 1920s


Title variants

Działania organizacji społecznych w walce z bezdomnością i zaniedbaniem dzieci w Ukraińskiej SRR w latach dwudziestych XX wieku

Languages of publication



The article describes the activities of public organizations in overcoming child homelessness and neglect of the USSR in the 1920s, showing their mechanism of functioning. It has been proven that public organizations were actively involved in the protection of children and the fight against homelessness, neglect and juvenile delinquency. They provided individual assistance to orphans and half-orphans and were engaged in the prevention of homelessness. These organizations also organized patronage, assisted in the maintenance of childcare establishments, participated actively in the creation of institutions for children of the unemployed, and provided protection of minors’ labor rights.
W artykule opisano działania organizacji społecznych w walce z bezdomnością i zaniedbaniem dzieci w ZSRR w latach dwudziestych XX wieku, ukazując mechanizm ich funkcjonowania. Udowodniono, że organizacje społeczne aktywnie angażowały się w walkę z bezdomnością, różnego rodzaju zaniedbaniami i przestępczością nieletnich. Udzielały indywidualnej pomocy sierotom i półsierotom oraz zajmowały się zapobieganiem bezdomności. Organizacje te roztaczały także patronat, pomagały w utrzymaniu placówek opiekuńczo-wychowawczych, uczestniczyły w tworzeniu placówek dla dzieci bezrobotnych, zapewniały ochronę praw pracowniczych nieletnich.








Physical description




  • Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Department of History of Ukraine


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  • About the School Assistance Committees, “Bulletin of the People’s Commissariat of Education” 1926, No. 2, p. 14.
  • About the Ukrainian Red Cross, “PZ of Ukraine” 1920, No. 19, p. 376.
  • Charter of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society, “Children’s Law” 1926, p. 24.
  • Code of Laws on National Education, “Collection of the Legislation and Resolutions of the Workers ‘and Peasants’ Government of the USSR” 1922, No. 49, p. 729.
  • Instruction on the organization and operation of the centres of Children’s Friends in the city, “Bulletin of the People’s Commissariat of Education” 1927, No. 35, pp. 5–7.
  • Instruction on the organization and operation of the centres of Children’s Friends in the village, “Bulletin of the People’s Commissariat of Education” 1927, No. 35, pp. 7–9.
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  • On the organization of children’s social inspections in places where they are absent, “Bulletin of the People’s Commissariat of Education” 1930, No. 6, p. 13.
  • On the participation of the Children’s Friends Society in the introduction of general education, “Bulletin of the People’s Commissariat of Education” 1930, No. 37, p. 4.
  • Record No. 10 of the meeting of the Political bureau of the Central Committee of the CP (b) U of 18 July 1924, V. 49, pp. 5–6.
  • Regulation on centres of the Children’s Friends Society at enterprises and institutions, “Children’s Law” 1924, pp. 22–23.
  • Regulation on commissions for promoting rural schools, “Children’s Law” 1925, pp. 27–28.
  • Regulation on local committees of the Ukrainian Red Cross, “Children’s Law” 1924, p. 24.
  • Regulation on the Children’s Inspection of the USSR, “Children’s Law” 1944, pp. 443–444.
  • Regulation on the peasants’ mutual assistance communities, “SU of Ukraine” 1925, No. 3, p. 21.
  • Regulation on the work of the child social inspection, “Bulletin of the People’s Commissariat of Education” 1928, No. 5, p. 66.
  • Short time Regulation on Commissions of Economic Assistance at Children’s Social Education Establishments, “Children’s Law” 1925, pp. 26–27.
  • To all the Commissions for Juvenile Affairs: Circular of the Ukrainian SSR, “Bulletin of the official orders and messages of the People’s Commissariat of Education” 1922, No. 26, pp. 6–7.
  • Zinchenko A.H., Experience in overcoming children’s homelessness in Ukraine in the 1920s, Kyiv 1998.

Document Type

Publication order reference


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