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2020 | 3(63) | 61-84

Article title

Logistyka i łańcuchy dostaw w obliczu czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej


Title variants

Logistics and supply chains in the light of Industry 4.0

Languages of publication


The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) introduces significant changes in various areas of economic and social life. Many of them are perceived as groundbreaking and game-changing, which is a feature of every revolution. 4IR exerts a direct impact on economic and social life through the incredible development of ICT. The paper aims to present the scope of impact of these changes on logistics and supply chain management – areas of business management that are currently of great importance for competitiveness. The role of ICT in modern logistics and supply chain management was also shown, and selected specific technologies that considerably contribute to the deepening of digital transformation in these areas of activity were discussed. Attention was drawn to the complementarity of ICT solutions at the enterprise and the economy levels. The authors came up with a concept of an intelligent (digital) supply chain as a solution that satisfies the need to strengthen supply chain’s resilience and supports the implementation of environmental sustainability strategies in line with the development of the circular economy. The authors also discuss development directions of the so-called intelligent logistics and intelligent supply chains under the conditions of 4IR.






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  • Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu


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