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2022 | 4(72) | 123-142

Article title

Formalne i nieformalne zabezpieczenie emerytalne – postawy i oczekiwania Polaków wobec zmian demograficznych, społecznych i ekonomicznych. Kontekst europejski


Title variants

Formal and informal retirement security – Poles’ attitudes and expectations in the face of demographic, social and economic changes. European context

Languages of publication


The aim of the article is to discuss the importance of formal and informal sources of retirement security of Poles in the face of current economic, social and demographic changes. Formal sources are understood as the institutional pension security (regulated by law), while the informal source will be primarily considered to be family support (the so-called natural pension security). Following the introduction, the first section shows demographic trends in Poland and refers to pension security from the public pension system. The second section presents data sources and research methods used in the article. The third section shows the results of research on planned protection in old age. The fourth part discusses and concludes the results of the study. The research shows that not many Poles save for old age, counting on the support of the state and children.







Physical description




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  • Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu


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