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2022 | 26 | 2 | 47-73

Article title

A Theoretical Modelling of International Migration on the Explanation of the Nature and Motives of Labour Migrants From Ukraine to Poland


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This article considers the concepts and theories of international migration which answer questions about the current trends of migration flows. Particular emphasis has been placed on the transformation of established perceptions of women's migration as, under the influence of globalisation in the modern system of international coordinates, there is a trend that is interpreted as the “feminisation” of international migration. Designing theories and concepts of international migration on an explanation of the motives and specifics of the adaptation of Ukrainian labour migrants in Poland offers a basis upon which to argue that each of them is appropriate for application. In addition, a theoretical modelling of migration policy has been presented. In practice, national governments use such models of migration policy as: the complete exclusion of immigration into a country or profess a “closed-door policy”, differentiated exclusion/segregation, integration as a gradual and weaker form of assimilation, the so-called “selective policy”, and the assimilation, multicultural or “open-door policy”. Future scenarios for the modelling of migration flows represented by leading international organisations have been designed. The multidimensional MIPEX Index, according to which Poland’s policy on migrants is assessed as “equality on paper”, is lower than the EU average, and, with a score of an estimated 40 points out of a possible 100, has been used to assess the trends of modern migration policy of the Republic of Poland. The new migration model of Poland leans towards a model of a differentiated integration of migrants rather than a multicultural policy or assimilation. It has been concluded that migration policy should be based on the principle of “tripartism”/scenarios (the ‘win-win-win’ concept) and benefit the donor state, the recipient state, and the migrants themselves.








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  • Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
  • Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Lviv Polytechnic National University


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