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2023 | 50 | 61-79

Article title

Green hydrogen in Africa: opportunities and limitations


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Green hydrogen is globally seen as a universal fuel, feedstock or energy carrier and storage. The study aims to examine the role of the emerging green hydrogen market in developing countries in Africa. The goal is to indentify key factors that may either positively or negatively affect the development of green hydrogen energy in Africa. Several developing countries have been identified as potential key players in green hydrogen production: South Africa, Egypt, Morocco, and Namibia. These countries are expected to play a vital part in the development of hydrogen technologies due to favourable climatic conditions for the production of low-cost renewable energy, the possibility of exporting hydrogen to EU countries, and the presence of various national policy initiatives (national hydrogen strategies) and international partnerships (the Africa Green Hydrogen Alliance). The results showed that green hydrogen will boost economic development in African countries, stimulate investment and create new jobs. The study also identifies several barriers that could affect the development of green hydrogen in Africa: high investment costs for hydrogen infrastructure, financing, weak institutions, water scarcity and the imbalance between hydrogen for local use and for export.






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  • Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (UKSW)
  • Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (UKSW)


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