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2021 | 1 | 298-309

Article title

The use of Snoezelen in prevention and therapy of mental and behavioural disorders


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The subject of the author’s discussion is to present the Snoezelen as a method supporting comprehensive human development, which can be used in the therapy and prevention of mental health. The starting point for considerations is the currently observed upward trend in the scope of the occurrence of difficulties in mental functioning, especially in Poland, affecting an ever wider group of people. The use of therapeutic support dedicated to individual patients was presented. The search for new solutions in the field of optimization of psychological and therapeutic help was considered, due to the growing need to mobilize interdisciplinary therapeutic activities. The Snoezelen method was indicated as a promising form of therapeutic support with high international effectiveness in various recipients. The author points out the need to include the Snoezelen among the fundamental methods of therapy, at the same time, reflecting the need to expand research in this area.






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  • Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy


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