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2021 | 1 | 3 | 143-156

Article title

Медіа-вплив на живопис: відображення у мистецтвознавчих поняттях


Title variants

Media influence on painting: reflection in the notions of art

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The material for the article was the texts of Ukrainian art critics about painting, which was significantly influenced by the media space. The influence is noticeable in the borrowing of themes, plots and techniques characteristic of popular cinema (action films, thrillers, erotica), social networks (Instagram), computer games, etc. The article analyzes art criticism notions that describe borrowing from media sources to painting. It is concluded that the conceptual and categorical apparatus of art criticism is expanding due to the appeal of art critics to media theory. It is stated that media theory replaces postmodern theory in the research of contemporary Ukrainian painting. New notions in the conceptual apparatus of painting research are characterized as those that mainly duplicate the dictionary of computer and cinematographic terms. Borrowing these lexemes from cinematography, film theory, media theory and computer science is part of a worldview change, namely the consequent of considering painting through the prism of its similarity to cinema or, more broadly, to any screen (smartphone, computer, television, etc.).


  • Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine


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