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2020 | 2(2) | 51-64

Article title

Pozyskiwanie zasobów z kosmosu – szansa czy konieczność?



Title variants

Obtaining resources from space - an opportunity or a necessity?

Languages of publication


At a time when the amount of natural resources on Earth is declining, the possibility of obtaining resources from space may play an important role. Private corporations use commercially the latest technologies to find an efficient way to extract raw materials from space. Therefore, there is a high probability that thanks to their application, in the near future, an economy of space resources will be created. The space can become a salvation for our civilization, although the use of its goods carries many threats and can cause many conflicts between states. The resolution of the United Nations General Assembly of 1963 regulates the issue of space resources and assumes that space and the celestial bodies are free for research and use by all states and are not subject to appropriation. However, the already established acts of international law do not seem to be sufficient for the approaching new reality. The international community faces the challenge of adjusting international law to protect the interests of states and prevent the risks associated with the distribution of goods. Naturally, the question arises whether we will be able to use space resources in a sustainable manner with such conflicting interests of states?






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