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2023 | 4(16) | 167-193

Article title

Axiological aspects of the work of academic teachers during the COVID-19 epidemic in relation to the assessment of the quality and well-being of life in higher education


Title variants

Aksjologiczne aspekty pracy nauczycieli akademickich w okresie epidemii COVID-19 w odniesieniu do ich samooceny jakości życia zawodowego i samopoczucia

Languages of publication


The article is divided into two parts. The first part analyzes theoretical concepts like values and teacher stress during COVID-19, along with attitudes toward remote work. The second part uses qualitative survey analysis to evaluate productivity from self-assessment, well-being and work life-quality. The aim of this article is to show the relationship of values, formulated goals and their rationality with the quality of academic teacher productivity, working life, and sense of psychological well-being, during the COVID-19 epidemic. The research was conducted among a group of 18 (n=18) university teachers, through the use of 18 structured in-depth interviews, addressing the issue of the quality of life and professional functioning of this group of people. As part of the research process, was coded. This article is devoted to the axiological aspects of the lives of university teachers during the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland.






Physical description




  • Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
  • Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
  • Politechnika Poznańska
  • Munster Technological University, Ireland


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