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2021 | 14 | 99-120

Article title

Intuicja jako determinanta procesu podejmowania decyzji nieprogramowalnych


Title variants

Intuition as a Determinant of the Non-Programmable Decision Making Process

Languages of publication


The complexity of decision problems – faced by managers – eludes simple analyses, the most important managerial choices relate to situations which are variable, capricious and related to the unpredictable future. Such difficult conditions stimulate intuitive thinking. As it is defined, intuition is absolute recognition that allows us to see the problem as it is. Decision-makers use intuition not only to experience illumination, but more often to search for key information or to base their judgment on information creatively processed beyond consciousness. Each time, however, the difficulty of decision making process may encourage managers to overcome the fragility of human nature using some form of intuitive feelings.







Physical description




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