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2020 | 2(45) | 61-86

Article title

Sinfonietta na orkiestrę smyczkową Weroniki Ratusińskiej w kontekście problematyki (pod)gatunkowej



Title variants

Sinfonietta for String Orchestra by Weronika Ratusińska in the Context of the Issue of (Sub)Genre

Languages of publication


The purpose of the article is to focus on certain terminological and historical aspects related to the genre of sinfonietta in the Polish music of the 20th and 21st century. In the introduction, the author presents the definition and general characteristics, listing the sources and the most representative works in the Polish music. Additionally, she presents numerical statistics and classification of the sinfonietta in Polish music and on this basis she analyses one of the most interesting works representing the type of sinfonietta-transcription – Sinfonietta for string orchestra by Weronika Ratusińska from 2009. The author analyses the use and manner of modification of musical motifs, the way in which the sound layer is shaped and the relation between Ratusińska's work and tradition of the genre.






Physical description




  • Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Lipińskiego we Wrocławiu


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Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

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