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2018 | 1 (27) | 33-50

Article title

Policy of the Russian Federation towards Kurds in the Syrian Conflict



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The main purpose of the article is to present the conditions and dependencies that characterize Russian-Kurdish relations from the beginning of the Syrian conflict. The author emphasizes the role of Kurds in the Arab world and in the global strategy of Russia. At the beginning, he follows the history of the relationship between Russia and Kurds from he Persian crisis in 1946 to 1991 and the moderate reaction of the Kremlin to the failed Kurdish uprising in Iraq in that year. He addresses the issue of Russia's return to the Middle East and its limited support for the Kurdish side in the fight against ISIS in Syria. He describes Moscow's position on the referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan, which also affects the events in Syria and contributes to the additional heating of tension. He also analyzes issues related to the latest offensive of Turkish forces in the Afrin region in Syria against Kurds. In the summary, the author signals forecasts for the future in mutual contacts and attempts to answer the question whether Moscow will want to strengthen Kurdish position in negotiations regarding the end of the Syrian conflict.







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  • University of Casimir the Great in Bydgoszcz


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