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2022 | XLVIII | 3 | 311-321

Article title

Information activities during the migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border as a threat to society’s resilience


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The main purpose of the article is to describe the information activities and their impact on society during the migration conflict on the Polish-Belarusian border and to systematise the information on this subject. Therefore, the following question was asked: how did information activities affect society during the migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border? Research methods from the field of scientific research methodology typical for social sciences were used to analyse the undertaken research problem (the comparative method, the method of content analysis). The article consists of three parts. The introduction presents information activities as an important element of military activities. The second part shows the INFO OPS information capabilities and techniques which allowed the creation of an alternative reality. The last part includes conclusions from the conducted information activities which intoxicated the information environment. The research allowed for identifying information activities which undermined European humanitarianism, showed the incompetence of European institutions, and aroused emotions in society which, in turn, exerted psychological pressure on decision-makers. These information activities threatened the resilience of society because they left people in a dual process of decision-making. In order to counter information threats, awareness of the current situation was built, and their effects were actively neutralized in the information environment.







Physical description




  • Territorial Defence Forces Command, Poland


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