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2011 | XXXIII | 39-55

Article title

Zjawisko prostytucji a prawo karne


Title variants

The phenomenon of prostitution and criminal law

Languages of publication



The aim of this article is to analyse the limits of penal reaction to the phenomenon of prostitution. First, various legal systems are reviewed according to the treatment of prostitution. Penal responses to the said social problem such as prohibitionism, reglamentarism (and neore-glamentarism), and abolitionism are discussed. Apart from the positive aspects of legal solutions, the article presents also negative and criminogenic consequences of such solutions (along with description of particular examples). Finally, the article discusses the situation of persons providing sexual services in the view of Polish law. The article presents a conclusion that it is impossible to show the only right method of fight against prostitution. This results not only from the complexity of the said phenomenon but also from the need to refer to particular historical and cultural context of the phenomenon in each case being considered. Nevertheless, an attempt of drawing the boundaries of penal reaction to behaviours related to prostitution is made. In particular, separation of methods of fight with the phenomenon from the moral judgments of the phenomenon is suggested. This enables to free the criminal law from the role of upholder of moral standards which the criminal law is often attributed.





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