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2022 | 21 | 4 | 51-59

Article title

How to Develop Connective Digital Platform for Urban Activism in Unfree Country: Case of “Robim Good” Project



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This article aims to analyze the “Robim Good” project – a digital platform for sharing urban knowledge and info about upcoming local campaigns. A vacuum among urban initiatives was established in Belarus because of the repressive policy of the authoritarian regime. As a result, around 965 non-profit organizations have been shut down. Nonetheless, there was a demand from activists to create a safe managerial organization that focused on urbanism. The “Robim Good” project became a solution. The research question is as follows: what is the value orientation of the analyzed digital platform that attracts new participants? The paper applies the value-based approach in NGO engagement. The analysis shows that one of the main promoted values and key characteristics of the digital ecosystem is security, which is directed at overcoming the dangers of the unpredictable regime. Subsequently, “Robim Good” has been able to engage volunteers and survive after a year of activity.








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  • Department of Political Science, Masaryk University, Czech Republic


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