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2014 | 21 | 117-127

Article title

Źródła do badań migracji młodzieży na uczelnie rosyjskie po zamknięciu Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego w 1832 roku



Title variants

Sources to migration of the Youth to the Russian Universities after the closure of the Univeristy of Vilnius in 1832

Languages of publication


When the tsarist authorities closed the Vilnius University in 1832 as well as the Medical and Surgical Academy and Academy of Theology (that were established on the basis of the closed university departments and existed just less than 10 years) young people from Lithuania were deprived of the opportunity to gain higher education in their country. Their choice of the Russian universities was influenced by a number of factors. The main one was that young people did not actually have choice. The tsarist authorities made it difficult to study in the Polish Kingdom and at the universities in the Western Europe, moreover, the latter not everyone could afford. The Lithuanian State Historical Archives in Vilnius preserves rich sources to this topic. The records are located primarily in fonds of tsarist state institutions at various levels . The most valuable in this respect are archival fonds: Office of Vilnius Governor-General, Office of the Civil Governor of Vilnius (records connected with the passports), the Board of Vilnius Education District, the Medical and Surgical Academy and files of commissions for investigation and courts of war. Moreover, interesting materials (letters, diaries, journals, memoirs) are stored in the Collection of Society of Friends of Science in Vilnius. Studies on these and other materials could contribute to the enrichment of knowledge not only about the migration of young people from Lithuania to Russia, but also about their commitment to the fight for the independence of Lithuania, as well as a contribution to Russian culture and science.






Physical description




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Biblioteka Nauki

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