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2010 | 14 | 59-70

Article title

Changes in thermal conditions in the high mountain areas and contemporary warming in the Central Europe



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The purpose of the report is to determine trends in thermal conditions in the Polish part of the Tatra Mountains. The results of studies were compared with the results of analogous analyses, carried out for the area of lowland Poland. The study makes use of the data from the weather stations in Zakopane and on Kasprowy Wierch Mt. from the years 19512006, mainly from 1966-2006. The thermal conditions in lowland Poland was determined on the basis of the area-averaged time series (45 stations). Various thermal characteristics were considered. The increase of the rate of upward trend in temperature at the turn of the 21st century, as well as the change of the seasonal distribution of the warming in comparison with the preceding long-term periods, have been documented. Symptoms of increase of the thermal continentality have also been observed.






Physical description




  • University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Department of Climatology


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