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2015 | 16 | 221-232

Article title

Rodzina jako środowisko wychowawcze – ujęcie katechetyczne



Title variants

The family as an educational environment – the catechetical recognition

Languages of publication


The family is one of the important areas of research in the sciences of theology. Researchers consider various aspects of life in the family. They pay attention to the family as the primary educational environment. Increasingly, these issues are taken by catecheticsteachers. Analyses undertaken in this study are intended to show the family as an educational environment in terms of Polish catechetics teachers. undertaken analyses do not pretendto fully describe the research in contemporary catechetics. They are more in the nature of a sketch. This paper highlights the key thematic areas of the family as an educational environment. First the terms „family” and „educational environment” were clarified. Then the issues were described in detail. Much attention was paid to the issues related to the integral recognition of education in the family and with those responsible for education. Efforts were made at the same time see the similarities and differences in opinions of Polish catechetics teachers. The relationship between socialization and upbringing in the family, how to implement educational functions and co-operation with other family educational environments (eg. school, church) were considered significant. In this context there were given offers of further study. These included, among others, the need for dialogue of catechetics teachers with representatives of the social sciences. This will not only allow to develop a sound theory but also to conduct quantitative and qualitative research. The acquired data will enrich the catechetical study area and may contribute to the improvement of family catechesis and pastoral care.






Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


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Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

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