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2015 | 16 | 65-81

Article title

Czy podróże ks. Henryka Jankowskiego były realizacją jego charyzmatu?


Title variants

Were Rev. Henryk Jankowski's journeys the realisation of his charism?

Languages of publication


The year 2015 marks the fifth anniversary of the death of Fr. Henryk Jankowski, the „Solidarity” union chaplain who, while working in the parish enclosing the industrial areas of the City of Gdańsk, went with the pastoral service to the striking shipyard workers in August 1980. The article „Were Fr. Henryk Jankowski’s Travels the Realisation of his Charism?” presents the parish priest of St Bridget’s Church who read his vocation to the priesthood to the neighbours. It covers the period 1970 – 2010. At that time Fr. Jankowski performed responsibly his role as the parish priest and the chaplain of working people. During his not easy priestly service he often travelled outside the parish. Both on his business and private trips he established cordial contacts not only with the donors but primarily with the people in distress. The article is of a fragmentary, and not of an exhaustive character. The reflections on Fr. Jankowski, his activity are still present in the consciousnessof his former colleagues, friends and the other people who experienced his kindness. The publication has been developed on the basis of the archive and library materials, the press articles and the interviews with the people related to Fr. Jankowski. It is original and it has not been published before. The gathered material has permitted to divide the article into three relatively small chapters. In the first one the author has presented the profile of the protagonist. The second one has described his contacts in Poland, whereas the last one has been devoted to his foreign visits, his way of implementing the priestly charism. The article is based on the historical method applying the comparison of the documents from different sources.






Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


  • Akta Osobowe: Ks. Henryk Jankowski tom 1, sygn. Os. J2., Teczka osobowa ks. Henryk Jankowski J-2.,w AAG.
  • Bogdanowicz S., Czas burzenia – czas budowania. Kościół Gdański w społeczeństwie odzyskującym wolność (1984 – 1992), Nowy Bukowiec 2004.
  • Bogdanowicz S., Edmund Nowicki. Biskup Gdański, Gdańsk 1998.
  • Flis S., Kościół pw. Św. Brygidy ks. Henryka Jankowskiego, Gdańsk 2011.
  • Górska E., 600-lecie kanonizacji św. Brygidy. Dni Radosnego zjednoczenia, GM 22/1991.
  • Jankowski H., Na tej drodze trwam: kazania zakazane, red. P. Raina, Pelplin 2001.
  • Jan Paweł II, Przemówienie z dnia 28 czerwca 1982 roku, OR 6/1982.
  • Raina P., Ks. Henryk Jankowski proboszcz parafii Św. Brygidy, Dążenia kapłańskie a reakcja władz państwowych, Poznań 2001.
  • Raina P., Ks. Prałat Henryk Jankowski walczy o prawdę, Warszawa 1999.
  • Śliwiński B. (red.), Encyklopedia Gdańska, Gdańsk 2012.

Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

YADDA identifier

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