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2015 | 16 | 193-206

Article title

Katolicy „w jesieni życia” jako podmioty w dziele ewangelizacji



Title variants

Catholics „in the autumn of life” as a subjects in the work of evangelization

Languages of publication


In the work of preaching the Gospel, the Church recognizes the important role of the laity, which is ready to show everyday the beauty and joy of life with Christ and accompany others in achieving Christian maturity. Also, the task of Catholics „in the autumn of life” is to share with others peace and joy and all the fruits of the Spirit of God. For older people, participation in the work of evangelization is a challenge to take greater responsibility for their lives lived in relation to others, and thus to overcome the state of apathy, to stay in a constant, living contact with society and to free themselves from an exaggerated focus on their concerns and suffering. The main fields of commitment of age-advanced believers in evangelization are families, parishes, hospitals, hospices and nursing homes. It is when they are readyto accept both happiness and joy of life, as well as pain and suffering, it reveals to others the truth of the Christian meaning of human existence, which can be found both in health and in disease. For elderly Catholics, this means a constant concern for growth in faith, which is possible for them through an active participation in the evangelizing mission of the Church.






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  • Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


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Biblioteka Nauki

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