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2015 | 16 | 233-247

Article title

L`aspetto soteriologico ed escatologico dellʼopera Salvificadel Cristo secondo Santa Chiara dʼAssisi



Title variants

The soteriological and eschatological aspect of Christ's salvific work according to St. Clare of Assisi

Languages of publication


The work of Christ accomplished in full on the cross is for St Clare of Assisi a significant sign of the victory of divine love over human weakness and sin. And although human life inherits from Christ's saving work the hardship of bearing the cross of daily worries and struggles, nevertheless, Clare sees in the cross the possibility of passing through life with him to the glory of the resurrection. In Christ, she sees a light in which there is no darkness and which illuminates the the paths of those who undertake expiation, conversion and penance. For her, Jesus of Nazareth is the only hope of man's salvation, which comes in the weakness and poverty of His earthly existence, in the sacrifice of the cross of His passion and, above all, in His glorious resurrection and ascension. Contemplating the essence of the mystery of man's salvation, Clare discovers the power of God's love and mercy, which, inscribed in the work of the world's redemption, radiates the radiance of the of man's resurrection from his sins and entry into the vestibules of heaven. On a spiritual level, Clare presents the resurrection as a vision of glory, as the vision of the immaculate Lamb who enlightens those who dwell in "darkness and the shadow of death". (Lk 1,79). For her, Christ lives as the resurrected One, exalted from earth to heaven continually transforming the universe with Himself, for He is the One who acts and unites humanity with God.







Physical description




  • Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej


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  • Franciszek, Droga adoracji i służby, in: OR 7 (2013), p. 7 – 9.
  • Kreidler-Kos M., Klara von Asissi, Tübingen 2000.
  • Montorsi G.B., Chiara dʼAssisi – maestra di vita, Padova 1997.
  • Nowik H., Chrystocentryczny model życia św. Klary z Asyżu, in: Sympozjum ku czci św. Klary zorganizowane w 750 rocznicę śmierci przez Towarzystwo Przyjaciół św. Klary z Asyżu, Międzyrzecz – Kalisz 27 – 28 sierpnia 2003, Międzyrzecz 2003, p. 60 – 63.
  • Ledoux C.M., Iniziazione a Chiara dʼAssisi, Assisi 1999.
  • Schneider H., Klara – Misterin der Kontemplation, CC 14 (1992), p. 20 – 27.

Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

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