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2015 | 16 | 249-262

Article title

Struktury kolegialne w Diecezji Elbląskiej wymagane przez Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego


Title variants

Collegial structures in the Diocese of Elbląg required by the Code of Canon Law

Languages of publication


The diocesan Bishop, taking care of part of the Church entrusted to him, is supported by subsidiary bodies, which may be single or collective. To a single organ, equipped with ordinary vicarious power are: general vicars, curates bishops, judicial vicar. A collegial body composed of many people as a college work for the good of the Church. The purpose of this paper is to present the collegial structures in the diocese, where there is an obligation on the bishop by the legislature dipped. Therefore discussed are: the Council of Priests, the College of Consultors and the Council on financial matters. All of the colleges in the diocese are an important link between the diocesan bishop of the whole presbytery and the laity, for the joint development of the Church of Christ.






Physical description




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