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2015 | 16 | 83-92

Article title

Geneza treści kwater Drzwi Gnieźnieńskich. Narracja źródeł pisanych czy interpretacja twórcy?


Title variants

The origin of the Gniezno Doors scenes. The narration of the primary sources or interpretation of an author?

Languages of publication


The narration of the scenes on the left side of the Gniezno Doors is based mainly on three primary sources: Sancti Adalberti Pragensis episcopi et martyris vita prior (so-called Vita I, pol. Żywot I), Sancti Adalberti Pragensis episcopi et martyris vita altera (so-called Vita II, pol. Żywot II) and De sancto Adalberto episcopo (so-called Tempore illo). Seven of the nine scenes of the left door refer to Vita I (six to Vita II and Tempore illo). The inspiration of thescenes number IV and VIII can not be identified. These two scenes do not refer to primary sources listed above. The origin of the scenes on the right side of the Gniezno Doors is more complicated. Four of them (from X to XIII) are consistent with little modifications with both St.Adalbert’s Vita’s and Tempore illo. But the next scenes (from XIV to XVIII) where inspired mainly by the primary source Passio Sancti Adalberti martyris (pol. Pasja z Tegernsee) and also Tempore illo.






Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


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  • Stróżyk P., Źródła ikonograficzne w badaniu źródłoznawczym na przykładzie Drzwi Gnieźnieńskich. Heureza i krytyka zewnętrzna, Poznań 2011.
  • Wetesko L., Historyczne konteksty monarszych fundacji artystycznych w Wielkopolsce do początku XIII wieku, Poznań 2009.

Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

YADDA identifier

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