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2015 | 16 | 263-277

Article title

Aspekty pastoralne wspólnoty małżeńskiej jako Kościoła domowego


Title variants

Pastoral aspects of the marital community as domestic Church

Languages of publication


All kinds of social and cultural changes taking place within recent years do not enable a family unit to be perceived as the one that lives according to God’s rules and promote them in the society. Religion and worshipping God is becoming something embarrassing and a thing that people would rather omit. A family as a role model has been distorted due to human actions. Migrations and pursuit of a better life have intensely contributed to this phenomenon. Furthermore, this situation does not make it easy to uphold family traditions and consequently, it damages family life and family development. A huge step to restore thevalue of a family, needs to be taken and it is by the Word of God revealed in the Gospel and the documents of the Catholic Church how it is to be performed. Thus, the priority of the Church is supporting a married couple by encouraging it to live a sacramental life, which, accordingly, is reflected in the society.







Physical description




  • Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej


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Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

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