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2021 | 9 | 79-91

Article title

W stronę absurdu: Filipowicz - Camus


Title variants

Into the absurd: Filipowicz - Camus

Languages of publication


Based on selected works by Kornel Filipowicz, the article presents the writer’s reflection on the absurdity of the world in relation to Albert Camus’s literary and philosophical concept. The article has been divided into ve entitled parts, of which the rst one is an introduction to the article, and the last one is its conclusion. In Disintegration of the World two short stories by Filipowicz are presented, in which the theme of absurdity appears. According to the article’s author, they can refer to the idea of absurdity by Albert Camus. The part: Mapping the absurd uses the examples of Camus’s essays and Filipowicz’s stories to outline the ontic status of the absurd that both writers give. The next subsection, Two Sides of the Same, juxtaposes the reflections contained in one of Filipowicz’s short stories and Camus’s early parable, directing attention to both thinkers’ understanding of the idea of the absurd. In the Blind Men, the context of Pieter Bruegel’s painting „The Blind Leading the Blind” additionally appears in order to emphasise Filipowicz’s reflection on the existence of two opposing epiphanies in the world at the same time – absurdity and sense. The article closes Doxographical landscape with absurdity in the background. According to the author’s findings, the absurd in Filipowicz’s work appears in the doxographical impressions of his characters and is an expression of the subjectivity of human experience.






Physical description




  • PUNO w Londynie


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Document Type

Publication order reference


Biblioteka Nauki

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