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2011 | 3 | 79-93

Article title

Człowiek i moralność w postmodernistycznym świecie



Title variants

The Man and Morality in the Postmodernist World

Languages of publication


Contemporary culture is characterized by a variety of definitions of man. This indicates, on the one hand, the multidimensional and multifaceted character of the truth about man, and on the other, leads to quite considerable confusion in the answer to the question: who is man? It seems that the basic perspective for presenting the situation, in which contemporary man has found himself is determined by postmodernism and the life style it offers. Although the question of postmodernism does not exhaust all the complex range of important problems of the modern world, one has to realize that its ideas – especially now, in the era of electronic communications – have spread and are present in all the world, assuming a more and more global character. In the postmodernist world the integral vision of man is often substituted by partial definitions that reduce man to “something” inside man. The occurring changes assume such dramatic forms that they are defined as “anthropological catastrophe”. The so-called new cultural model of man who takes a radically new attitude towards himself, toward another man, and ultimately also towards God appears from them. Postmodernism questions subjectivity and transcendence of the human person, whereby it contributes to destruction of morality. This current, destroying proper relations between freedom and truth in man, is situated in the area of modern forms of the basic anthropological error.






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  • Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie


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