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2016 | 7 | 14 | 115-137

Article title

The Impact of Special Economic Zones on the Level of Socio-economic Changes of Polish Regions


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Transition process in Poland involved the use of various tools to stimulate and increase the socioeconomic development in new conditions of a market economy. A very important direction was implementation of network solutions in the form of Special Economic Zones (SEZs). The networking nature of the solution was to create a common framework for action: economic, legal and organizational, which would apply to companies already existing in the Zones, but would also set the standard for new SEZs and their actors. The idea of creating special zones offering new attractive and unique conditions for business was new a new phenomenon in Poland. Usually operations in SEZs involve preferential conditions, which should lead to improvement of financial performance of such companies. The paper aims to determine the impact of SEZs on socio-economic development of Polish regions, using regions under endogenous development and supported by the European Union (EU) as frames of reference. The paper also aims to determine the impact of SEZs on scope of new investments, especially, FDI and unemployment.








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