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2018 | 7 | 287-312

Article title

Konsekwencje metafizyczne ujęć materii i ruchu we współczesnej fizyce



Title variants

The Metaphysical Consequences of the Concepts of Matter and Motion in Contemporary Physics

Languages of publication


Both ancient and medieval world picture in philosophy reflected the world picture in natural sciences of the time. Consequently, our contemporary metaphysical world picture should correspond to that in modern science. In the article Albert Mitterer’s and Tadeusz Wojciechowski’s Concepts of the Interdependence of Matter and Motion there has been an outline presented of such picture, based on the ideas of the title scholars. In this article an attempt has been made to draw metaphysical consequences from their concepts of constitutional motion and particle act in reference to inanimate mattter, vegetative, sensitive and rational beings as well as The Prime Being.







Physical description




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