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2011 | 17 | 13-31

Article title

Głos tłumacza w peritekście jego przekładu: przedmowa, posłowie, przypisy i inne zwierzenia


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The translator’s voice in the peritext of his translation: a preface, an epilogue, notes and other confessions

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A translator remains, most of the time, an impersonal, silent intermediary. When he chooses to show his face and make his voice heard, his speech develops at the edge of the translated text in the form of a footnote or a preface, of a postface or a note , texts with distinct characteristics and functions. Nevertheless despite the singularity of each of the above categories quite often they differ to an extended degree. If a footnote, the rightful place for a translator’s voice, is mostly devoted to technical matters of the translating process, a preface attempts an introduction of the translated author and work whereas the postface evaluates and criticizes a given work. In this paper I will attempt a presentation and analysis of representative texts of the above mentioned categories.






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