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2021 | 3 (90) | 4-10

Article title

Self-efficacy and psychological well-being of teachers


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Introduction: The aim of the presented research was to check whether there is a connection between teachers’ self-efficacy and their psychological well-being from a holistic (hedonic and eudaimonic) perspective. Method: The study involved 100 teachers who were asked to fill in the following research tools with proven psychometric properties: the General Self-Efficacy Scale, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, and the Psychological Well-being Scale. Results: The obtained data confirm that there is a connection between self-efficacy belief, and hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. The degree of professional promotion grades modifies the relationships considered. Conclusions: The psychological well-being of teachers is significantly associated with their evaluation of efficacy, which may have a positive impact on the effectiveness of teachers’ professional functioning and the achievements of their students.






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