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2013 | 36 | 7-22

Article title

Analiza wyposażenia gospodarstw domowych w powiatach ziemskich Podkarpacia w sprzęt ICT



Title variants

Using gamification factors in building applications forpublic use



Languages of publication



Artykuł przedstawia uzyskane wyniki badań dotyczące wyposażenia gospodarstw domowych w wybrane rodzaje sprzętu ICT. Przedstawiono również wpływ na badane wskaźniki (ocena współzależności cech) dwóch czynników: dochodu netto na 1 osobę oraz typu miejsca zamieszkania. Prezentowane badania mogą być wykorzystane do budowy indeksów rozwoju społeczeństwa informacyjnego w badanych powiatach i porównań z innymi obszarami.
Recently, along with the increase of the role of various social media, a new trend in the field of software design appeared – gamification, which main goal is to increase the user engagement while working with the software. By definition, gamification means using the mechanics and techniques known from various kinds of games (including board games, role-playing or computer games) in order to increase user’s involvement in performing various types of activities in non-gaming context, especially if those activities are considered boring or routine. Gamification is an interesting trend, which – if applied correctly – many have a positive impact on both improving the user experience and his commitment into performing the task. However, gamification cannot be treated as a remedy for all the problems of user-application relationships. Poorly designed application or its interface can significantly affect the user (player) willingness to participate in (use) it. This article is an attempt to analyse this phenomenon, especially concerning its usage in building public use applications.


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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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