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2022 | 9 (377) | 11-34

Article title

Wystawca konsularnych dokumentów notarialnych i klauzul legalizacyjnych z perspektywy notarialnej i sądowej


Title variants

Issuer of consular notarial documents and verifying clauses considering court and notarial practice
Der Aussteller von konsularischen notariellen Urkunden und Rechtsklausel aus der Notar- und Gerichtssicht

Languages of publication



The purpose of this text is to analyse the content of consular seals and the applied diplomatic and consular titulature in the case of notarial and legalization activities performed by Polish consuls abroad. These issues are incomprehensible to the domestic legal professional community, and sometimes even controversial. There are a number of complications in this regard related to the structure of the Polish consular service and the mechanisms of its operation. To understand the essence of the titularity indicated in the seals, it is necessary to refer to the provisions of the Consular Law, as well as the Foreign Service Act. Problems concerning the competence of a particular foreign service agency to perform notarial acts also arise from the rules of maintaining foreign relations. The competence of the appropriate diplomatic post or consular office in this case depends on a number of different factors. The purpose of this text is also to organize information in this regard. Undoubtedly, such knowledge can be useful in notarial or judicial practice. However, the question of determining both the territorial jurisdiction of the representation of the Republic of Poland abroad and the basis of the authority of the consular official competent to perform the act is not the duty of the notary or the court. Determinations in this regard may sometimes go beyond the capabilities available to notaries.






Physical description


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Document Type

Publication order reference


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