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2020 | 27 | 5-14

Article title

Relacje, które łączą i trwają – od wspólnot wirtualnych do realnych



Title variants

Relationships that connect and last – from virtual to real communities

Languages of publication


Man is by nature a social being - he fulfils himself in relations with others. He cannot fully develop as a human being – and therefore intellectually, morally, creatively – without a community. In this respect, the issue of “community” was discussed in the message prepared by Pope Francis for the 53rd World Communications Day: “We are members one of another” (Eph 4,25). From social network communities to the human community (2019). In this document, the Pope referred to the culture-forming role of the media. Among the general observations, there were valuable educational inspirations. In Francis’ opinion, one can truly be a human, a person, only by maintaining relationships with others, turning his face towards others. Therefore, the measure of virtual communities is a relationship based on the communion of people, where each one grows in his humanity and genuinely humanizes himself through meeting others.


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